With the exception of the one year anniversary the 1st-10th wedding anniversaries are typically celebrated by the couple only. The first anniversary is always a great way for family and friends to remind the couple that they are still in their thoughts and to perhaps thank them for a memorable day.
1st Wedding anniversary
The traditional first wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Paper. The modern first wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Clocks. The gemstone first wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Fresh Water Pearl. The appropriate flowers for the first wedding anniversary are Pansies.
2nd Wedding anniversary
The traditional second wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Cotton; an alternative traditional second wedding anniversary gift can be themed with Straw. The modern second wedding anniversary gift has a theme of China. The appropriate gemstone for the second wedding anniversary has a theme of Rose Quartz; an alternative gemstone for the second wedding anniversary can be themed with Garnet. The appropriate flowers for the second wedding anniversary are Cosmos.
3rd Wedding anniversary
The traditional third wedding anniversary has a theme of Leather. The modern third wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Crystal; an alternative modern third wedding anniversary gift can be themed with Glass. The appropriate gemstone for the third wedding anniversary has a theme of Crystal. The flowers for the third wedding anniversary are Fushsia.
4th Wedding anniversary
The traditional fourth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Fruit & Flowers; an alternative traditional fourth wedding anniversary gift can be themed with Books. The modern fourth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Electrical Appliance. The gemstone fourth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Amethyst; an alternative gemstone fourth wedding anniversary gift can be themed with Topaz. The appropriate flowers for the fourth wedding anniversary are Geranium.
5th Wedding anniversary
The traditional fifth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Wood. The modern fifth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Silverware. The gemstone fifth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Turquoise. The appropriate flowers for the fifth wedding anniversary are Daisies.
6th Wedding anniversary
The traditional sixth wedding anniversary has a theme of Sugar; an alternative traditional sixth wedding anniversary gift can be themed with Iron. The modern sixth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Wood. The appropriate gemstone for the sixth wedding anniversary has a theme of Amethyst; an alternative gemstone for the 6th wedding anniversary can be themed with Garnet. The appropriate flowers for the sixth wedding anniversary are Calla lilies.
7th Wedding anniversary
The traditional seventh wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Wool; an alternative traditional seventh wedding anniversary gift can be themed with Copper. The modern seventh wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Desk Set. The appropriate gemstone for the seventh wedding anniversary has a theme of Lapis Lazuli; an alternative gemstone for the seventh wedding anniversary can be themed with Onyx. The appropriate flowers for the seventh wedding anniversary are Jack-in-the-pulpit.
8th Wedding anniversary
The traditional eighth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Bronze; an alternative traditional eighth wedding anniversary gift can be themed with Pottery. The modern eighth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Lace; an alternative modern eighth wedding anniversary gift can be themed with Linen. The appropriate gemstone for the eighth wedding anniversary has a theme of Aventurine; an alternative gemstone for the eighth wedding anniversary can be themed with Multi-colored Tourmaline. The appropriate flowers for the eighth wedding anniversary are Clematis.
9th Wedding anniversary
The traditional ninth wedding anniversary has a theme of Pottery. ; an alternative traditional ninth wedding anniversary gift can be themed with Willow. The modern ninth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Leather. The appropriate gemstone for the ninth wedding anniversary has a theme of Tiger Eye; an alternative gemstone for the ninth wedding anniversary can be themed with Lapis Lazuli. The appropriate flowers for the ninth wedding anniversary are Poppies.
10th Wedding anniversary
The traditional tenth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Tin; an alternative traditional tenth wedding anniversary gift can be themed with Aluminum. The modern tenth wedding anniversary gift has a theme of Diamond Jewelry. The appropriate gemstone for the tenth wedding anniversary has a theme of Black Onyx. The appropriate flowers for the tenth wedding anniversary are Daffodils.