Making the most of the symbols, themes and gemstones that are connected to the 13th year anniversary, you can make sure that buying the appropriate gifts is fun, creative and unique. As the 13th wedding anniversary gift is traditionally Lace and the modern version is Textiles or Furs, you could choose many items.
As you can already imagine, there are many gifts that are available especially when you consider there are the gemstones Citrine, malachite and moonstone attached to the 13th wedding anniversary. Also with Hollyhock being the appropriate flower that is traditionally given – which is a stunning flower and has a wide range of colors that look exotic and beautiful in your home you can have great fun in choosing a gift.
Traditional 13th year anniversary gift theme.

If you want to splash out on a traditional present, then something with Lace is the gift that is given as the 13th year wedding anniversary gift. That could mean a stunning lacey dress or lingerie to spice up your love life. It could also mean a tablecloth, handkerchief or lace linen. Whether it is Venetian lace or bobbin lace, it has that luxurious and appealing look and feel that will make it a very special wedding anniversary gift. It is romantic, it can add to your wife’s beautiful looks and it is a wedding anniversary present to remember!
Modern 13th year anniversary gift theme.

Modern anniversary gifts also have a wide range of choices. As lace is a textile too, it opens up more avenues for the 13th anniversary gift. Textiles could be a host of different materials, from linen, cotton, canvas or wool, and it could just be the perfect time to use the 13th wedding anniversary gift as an excuse to go and buy something for your home as a joint present. These woven materials can also represent both of your lives that are intertwined and make a symbol of marriage as a whole. Thirteen years is a long time, your experiences together will be vast, and as shown in the material, it is strong, just like the love you have for each other is.
Gemstone 13th year anniversary gift theme.
The gemstones of citrine, moonstone and malachite are all connected to the 13th anniversary and jewelry is the ideal gift to give. From the citrus colors of citrine to the dark and light greens of malachite, to the mystical features of moonstone, there are many choices.

Citrine is a stone that has a cheerful energy that can help you feel confident about life and its challenges. It’s also great for manifesting abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life. If you’re looking for a stone that will help you become more confident in your abilities, grow your wealth or enhance your creativity, then citrine is an excellent choice!

The healing powers of moonstone include relaxation, intuition and emotional healing. It also helps with sleep disorders, nightmares and anxiety while helping you feel safe during sleep time. This particular variety of quartz crystal opens up communication channels between people by creating understanding between them so they can connect on a deeper level. Moonstone also enhances one’s emotional state when worn as jewelry or placed near one’s bedside table!

Malachite is commonly used in jewelry because it has beautiful shades of greens that remind us of nature’s beauty! These shades are created by the oxidation of copper and they change depending on how the stone is cut and polished.
Malachite has been used as a talisman to bring good luck, wealth and love into one’s life! It also helps with sleep disorders, nightmares and anxiety while helping you feel safe during sleep time. This particular variety of quartz crystal opens up communication channels between people by creating understanding between them so they can connect on a deeper level. Moonstone also enhances one’s emotional state when worn as jewelry or placed near one’s bedside table!
Appropriate Flower 13th year anniversary gift theme.

The appropriate Flower for the 13th year anniversary is the Holyhock.
The Holyhock is a flower that symbolizes long-lasting love and devotion. It is also a symbol of faithfulness, trust and constancy. The Holyhock is also known to represent joy, hope and good fortune.
The Holyhock is an herbaceous perennial plant with yellow flowers that bloom in summertime. The leaves are dark green with a reddish underside and are heart-shaped at the base. The rootstock can be used as an herbal medicine for treating skin infections, digestive problems and liver ailments.
The Holyhock grows best in sandy soils with good drainage, but it can tolerate most soil types except clay or heavy soils high in organic matter because they don’t provide enough air circulation around the roots to promote growth.
Holyhocks like full sun exposure but will tolerate partial shade if they’re planted in an area that gets no more than four hours of direct sunlight each day throughout the entire growing season.
The 13 year Anniversary Facts and Figures

On the 13th anniversary of your marriage you would have been married for
- 4,745 days or
- 113,880 hours or
- 6,832,800 minutes which is over
- 409 million seconds!
During this time you would have shared, on average, over 35,500 hours of snuggle time (sleeping!) or about 4 years, 1 months.
Assuming you don’t work together you’ve been apart for over 27,487 hours which is about 3 years, 2 months.
You would have by now shared about 10,400 meals together which equates to approximately 8 months, 8 days of continuous eating!
What’s Next
Next year, being the 14th Wedding Anniversary the traditional gift theme list suggests Ivory as the appropriate gift theme. The Modern gift list suggests Gold Jewelry as the theme. The Gemstone Anniversary List offers Moss Agate or Jewelry as the gift themes with the appropriate flowers being Dahlia.
Last year, the 12th Wedding Anniversary the traditional gift theme list suggests Silk or Linen as the appropriate gift themes. The Modern gift list suggests Colour Gems or Pearls as the theme. The Gemstone Anniversary List offers Agate as the gift theme with the appropriate flowers being Peonies.