How Long Have I been Married?

Please enter the marriage date:

(Click the down arrow for selection)

Our marriage calculator will show you how long you have been married in years, months, days, and even seconds. You can also find out how many days there are until your next wedding anniversary, and what that day will be. All you need to do is enter your marriage date.

It’s fast, free and fun – give it a try!

How many Days until your Wedding Anniversary?

Enter your marriage date and we’ll tell you how many days it has been since your special day, when your next wedding anniversary is, and how many days it is till then.

Wedding Anniversary Calculator

Whether you got married in 1967, 2016 or any year in the last 99 enter you marriage date (it has to be a valid date!) and we’ll give you all the details for how many years, days hours, and even seconds you’ve been married.

Happy anniversary! Whether you’re just hitting your first anniversary or celebrating 60 years of wedded bliss, we hope you have a fantastic day. Remember to check out our other anniversary resources while you’re here including wedding anniversary gifts, ideas, and more.

How many years married?

Enter your wedding date press the submit. We’ll calculate how long you’ve been married in years, months, days, and minutes. Furthermore, we’ll also tell you what your next wedding anniversary is. So armed with the knowledge feel free to browse our excellent collection of anniversary ideas for every year.

Any Anniversary Calculator

Whilst our tool is designed as a wedding anniversary calculator it will give you details from any date in the past 100 years. So it is possible to give a persons age from entering their date of birth. Simply enter the date of the event that occurred within the last 100 years and we will give you all the details.

Wedding Anniversary Gifts

We specialise in wedding anniversary gift ideas and will also provide you with gift ideas for any wedding anniversary year where you married in the last 50 years. We’ll also give you gift ideas for every fifth year after the fiftieth year and gift ideas for any other wedding anniversary.

Example entered on September 26th, 2022

Your Wedding day: Tuesday April 25th, 1978

Your Next Wedding Anniversary is Tuesday April 25th, 2023

Your Next Anniversary is the 45th Year Anniversary.

This will occur in 6 months, 29 days.

Today’s Details

Today you’ve been married for 16,225 days, which is 389,400 hours or 23,364,000 minutes; making a total of 1,401,840,000 seconds.

On your Wedding Anniversary

On your Wedding Anniversary you will have been married for 16,436 days, which is 394,464 hours or 23,667,840 minutes; making a total of 1,420,070,400 seconds.

Notable Marriage Days to Remember

  • You will be married for 20,000 days on Wednesday January 26th, 2033
  • You will be married for 400,000 hours on Monday December 11th, 2023
  • You will be married for 30,000,000 minutes on Wednesday May 9th, 2035
  • You will be married for 2,000,000,000 seconds on Monday September 9th, 2041
  • You will be married for 3,000 weeks on Tuesday October 23rd, 2035

End of example.

Technical Details

Our wedding anniversary calculator tool uses the following methods and limitations.

  • This tool use UNIX time and date functions to produce the results.
  • The dates are calculated to take account of leap years.
  • You will receive error messages if future or incorrect dates are entered.